Quality Department
Our Quality Department maintains and updates our Integrated Quality Management System, working with the main objective of the continuous improvement of our products and services, achieved by following the requirements of quality, environmental and occupational safety standards.
We verify the compliance of the objectives with the proposed resources and within the established deadlines, we coordinate all aspects related to the Certification and its maintenance and we supervise the generated documentation.
Respect and care of the Environment is a priority for ENA Tecnología SL, for this reason, we periodically evaluate the environmental aspects generated by our activity, identifying the most significant ones. We plan environmental objectives in order to reduce our impact and to improve continuously, therefore we have implemented an environmental management system based on the UNE EN ISO 14001 standard, which allows us the evaluation and measurement of the planned objectives and the identification of the needs of our interested parties.
Besides complying with the legal requirements of Safety and Occupational Health, improvement in the conditions of our workers makes the integration of Prevention in our organization’s systems a priority for its stability and productivity, as well as for its value as a corporation and brand image.
In order to achieve the objectives of quality assurance, environmental impact minimization, occupational health and safety, as well as the continuous improvement established in its policy, the Company has implemented a Unified Management System for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety (spanish), in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.